Imogen's Typewriter.

Kitty Goes to Washington

Kitty Goes to Washington  - Carrie Vaughn Now I read the first Kitty Norville book in March and really liked it. This second book moved on from the pack dynamics and growing up drama to political drama! We go with Kitty to Washington where she is called upon to talk about being a Werewolf, of course there are a few snags along the way and I did put this book down for quite a while and have no pull to pick it up again. What started in March took me three months to finish. But I did and I'm glad. If there's one thing Carrie Vaughn does well, it's speech. I love a good dialogue, monologue, anything. And there was a good chapter in this book where I was sad, seething and all around ready to punch one of the characters because of the speech. I empathised.
I do like this series, but this was not as strong as the first book in my opinion.